Someday Soon

Someday Soon

Someday Soon explores the delicate dance between celebration and transition, using flowers as a poignant symbol for love, achievement, and personal growth. Through scenes of platonic intimacy, the piece delves into the complexities of questioning what it means to earn and embrace our own flowers. Someday Soon leaves us pondering the transformative power of embracing our own aspirations, free from fear.

Keerati Jinakunwiphat

Music Composition

Quaba Venza Ernest, courtesy of Ernest Records

Lighting Design

Dan Scully

Costume Design

Brandon Blackwood

Costume Supervisor

Amy Page

Prop Design

Karin White

Premiere Cast

Jamaal Bowman, Juan Carlos Franquiz, Amari Frazier, Mykiah Goree, Faith Joy Mondesire, Donovan Reed, Keturah Stephen, Gianna Theodore

21 minutes

Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield, CT